Our small team of Outreach workers visit areas of London where women are rough-sleeping as well as women’s hostels and other women’s settings, letting women know about our support service.
The outreach team can offer one-to-one advocacy and support to women who do not want to come to our King’s Cross centre, and can meet women in other places and parts of London.
The team has wide knowledge around housing and homelessness, other local agencies, addictions, mental and physical health, accessing legal advice, accessing welfare support, employment issues and more.
They offer emotional support and are ready to have conversations about domestic and sexual abuse and accessing therapeutic and practical support for these. They can also discuss prostitution, and different kinds of sexual exploitation, and making plans to exit.
The team are all deeply committed to meeting women where they are and operating in a trauma informed way. They develop an individually tailored plan with each woman. There is no time limit on how long the outreach term will work with women.
“Working in the Outreach Team is such a privilege, watching women progress and be empowered to move on to better things”
By working day and night shifts, our Outreach service can support women with:
• Accessing emergency accommodation
• Crisis support
• Resettlement/Relocation support
• Accessing our drop in service
• Referrals to other agencies
• Signposting to local services
• Further on-street and off -street support
Our outreach team advocates on behalf of women to break down the barriers to exit prostitution, offering a full service and not just welfare checks.
Team: Julie Norman, Lauren Cowen, Sara Bianchessi and Antonette Wilson